Since November 2023 I am a postdoctoral researcher at TU Wien with Maria Christakis. I received my PhD from TU Munich, where I was co-advised by Eva Darulova and Helmut Seidl. Before that I was a graduate student in Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and Saarland University.
My research interests span over various topics in formal methods and software engineering. I am passionate about static analysis, in my book, AI stands for abstract interpretation. During my PhD, I focused on analysing and optimising numerical programs, now exploring new domains. I am curious about program synthesis, optimization, repair and testing and how they can help make software reliable and understandable.
Recent / upcoming: CAV’25, PLDI SRC’24, SAS’24, ASE Tool Demo’24, ISSTA’24 (publicity chair)
Older: SAS’20 (subreview), FAOC Journal’21, AEC @ POPL’21, CAV’21, CGO’22, PLDI’23
TU Wien
- Seminar in Software Engineering: SS24, WS24/25
TU Munich
- Program Optimization: WS18/19, WS19/20, WS20/21, WS21/22, WS22/23
- Virtual Machines: SS19, SS20, SS21, SS23
- The Tyranny of Types: Curse or Blessing? (Seminar) SS22
- Program Synthesis Seminar: SS18, SS19, SS20
- Introduction to Informatics 2 (WS17/18)
- Interrogation Testing of Program Analyzers for Soundness and Precision Issues D.Kaindlstorfer, A.Isychev, V.Wüstholz, M.Christakis, ASE’24
- Constraint-Based Test Oracles for Program Analyzers M.Fleischmann, D.Kaindlstorfer, A.Isychev, V.Wüstholz, M.Christakis, ASE’24
- Scaling up Roundoff Analysis of Functional Data Structure Programs A.Isychev, E.Darulova, SAS’23
- Regime Inference for Sound Floating-Point Optimizations R.Rabe, A.Izycheva, E.Darulova, EMSOFT’21
- Counterexample- and Simulation-Guided Floating-Point Loop Invariant Synthesis A.Izycheva, E.Darulova, H.Seidl, SAS’20; Recording of the talk
- Synthesizing Efficient Low-Precision Kernels A.Izycheva, E.Darulova, H.Seidl, ATVA’19
- Daisy - Framework for Analysis and Optimization of Numerical Programs (Tool Paper) E.Darulova, A.Izycheva, F.Nasir, F.Ritter, H.Becker, R.Bastian, TACAS’18
- On Sound Relative Error Bounds for Floating-Point Arithmetic A. Izycheva, E. Darulova, FMCAD’17 (extended version on arXiv)
- Doctoral Thesis @ TU Munich Improving Analysis and Optimization of Finite-Precision Programs
- Master Thesis @ MPI-SWS and UdS Estimation of Relative Error Bounds for Floating-Point Arithmetic Expressions